Here is an excerpt from a response i gave to a student inquiring about "how to make sure that the mix sounds good everywhere, i.e. in clubs, studios, little speakers, headphones":
From (our social network for mixers)
Hey john,
This is a very old school answer, but i think the best way to insure it plays well in all mediums is to have those mediums.
babyface, one of my favorite producers to work for, often would go out into the parking lot jsut to listen in the car. the "car test" is so important, that joe tarsia, who quilt sigma sound studios in philly where the o'jays and many other philly soul artists recorded, had a volkswagon bug shell in the studio, you could get in and listen to your mix in the car. he also had the equivalent of a little radio on the console, and he had a mini broadcaster hooked up to the console, so you could listen to the mix coming out of the always buying cheap boxes at little stores and bringing them home, the shittier the better... a colleague often reffered to it at the "secretary effect", because secretaries often have a little box on their desk at a low excellent way to test if the lead vocal is speaking, you can hear all the parts , etc...of course, i also recommended a three way rig like the krk rig i have with a subwoofer. if you are making anything like hiphop its absolutely crucial that you hear whats going on down in the bottom of the mix, near-field monitors are cools for balancing, however when it comes to 'tuning the low end" of the mix, its crucial that you hear whats going on. i would have as many monitoring situations as you can get, the more ways you hear your mix the better. bbb
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